Odebírat novinky
Místo konání - LETŇANY
PVA EXPO PRAHA Výstaviště Letňany
Kalendář 2025

Car Wrapping Championship of the Czech Republic and Slovakia at PVA EXPO Prague – 9 April - Hall no. 7

Car wrapping competitions are very popular in the world and almost always they are presentations of the skills of applicators working with one brand of foils. This will hold also for this year’s REKLAMA POLYGRAF OBALY Trade Fair, when the Car Wrapping Championship of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is planned for the first day of the trade fair in the hall no. 7. Both application firms and suppliers will have a possibility of getting registered in the competition. Every competition team will have two applicators and one representative from the supplier who is to be available for visitors’ questions. The aim of the competition will be to present quality in this area, and for the competition participants it will surely be interesting to compare their skills with their competitors.


Závěrečná zpráva 2023
