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Kalendář 2025

Innovation for Textile from 4iSP at the REKLAMA POLYGRAF Trade Fair

Innovation for Textile from 4iSP at the REKLAMA POLYGRAF Trade Fair


Cutting the textile for the right cut before sewing

The Marking Laser of a new generation which is to be presented by 4isp at the trade fair is able to cut the textile to the right cut within a few seconds and repeatedly according to the drawing specified. Unlike the classical cutting technologies, there are no problems with a blunt tool and related differences in the quality of the cut during the time. Thanks to elimination of the exchange or sharpening of cutting tools it is possible to markedly shorten servicing intervals or outages of the machine.


Laser use in the textile industry

Another very frequent use of lasers in the textile industry is based on the marking on textiles. Thanks to the heating of just the uppermost layer of the textile it is possible to use the laser technology for the burning of any picture on textiles or another organic material. The marking with a laser is very fast and can be used to almost all types of textiles. For most materials (including the wood) you yourself decide whether you want to have visible burn-off or not in the resulting graphics.


Do you know that CO2 laser is used to create the effect of washed-out and ironed jeans?

Besides the cutting of textiles and marking of images and ornaments it is possible to use the new type of lasers for other decoration purposes as well. For example, some firms use the marking CO2 laser to create an effect of washed-out and ironed jeans. This makes it possible to eliminate the chemical or mechanical process for creating the washing-out effect consisting of several stages. CO2 laser is able to create the same effect in a few tens of seconds, cleanly and in an environment-friendly way without using any additional substances or chemicals and fully free of any waste. The only sources which are necessary is a common power supply socket and skilled machine operators having the final quality and appearance of the product in their hands.


Eurazio center – the largest laser and CNC presentation and sales centre in Europe

4isp offers CO2 marking lasers “Relicut” intended for the textile industry. It is always good to test lasers with “your” materials and applications. The fact is that there are many types of lasers on the market and for the right choice it is useful to understand the details and differences for particular production. For this reason it is very important to test materials and machines still before their purchase, which is the most important step for both the customer and seller. Everybody is interested in making the right choice. And just for this reason 4isp will open the Eurazio center – the largest laser and CNC presentation and sales centre – already this summer. It will be the place where you can try your materials and applications on multiple machines. You can compare the time, consumptions of assistance gases, quality of cutting or marking, machine maintenance costs, comfort or limitations of the operators’ work etc., which helps you to make a better decision. Already from 1 August 2018 the sellers and technicians will be fully at your disposal in the newly opened Eurazio center in Modletice, near Prague.  And the subsequent very important two hours spent in the showroom at the machines can help you with your decisions.

Závěrečná zpráva 2023
